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[5] Local Gan-Gross-Prasad conjecture: Fourier-Jacobi cases (with Z. Li), pdf, in preparation.
[4] Hyper-algebraic invariants of p-adic algebraic numbers (with Y.Yuan ), pdf, preprint 2024.
[3] Une factorisation de la cohomologie complétée et du système de Beilinson-Kato (avec P. Colmez), pdf, preprint 2024.
[2] log p-divisible groups and semi-stable representations. (with A. Bertapelle and H. Zhao ), pdf, preprint 2024.
[1] Truncated expansion of ζpn in the p-adic Mal'cev-Neumann field. (with Y. Yuan), pdf, preprint 2021.


[7] Fonctions d'une variable p-adique et représentations de GL2(Qp) (avec P. Colmez), pdf, Journal of Number Theory 263 (2024), 1–23.
[6] Uniformizer of the false Tate curve extension of $Q_p$ (II) (joint with Y. Yuan) pdf, International Journal of Number Theory, Volume No. 20, Issue No. 01, pp. 1–18, (2024).
[5] Compatibility of theta lifts and tempered condition (joint with Z. Li) pdf, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, Vol.67, Issue 01 March 2024, pp. 60–73.
[4] Uniformizer of the false Tate curve extension of $Q_p$ (joint with Y. Yuan) pdf, The Ramanujan Journal 58 (2022), pages549– 595.
[3] Le Système d’Euler de Kato en Famillie(Ⅱ) pdf, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series 01 (2021), 173–204.
[2] Le système d'Euler de Kato en famille (I) pdf, Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, 89(4) (2014), 819–865.
[1] Le système d'Euler de Kato pdf, Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux, 25(3) (2013), 677–758.